Canterbury Bid

All Posts By

Rachel Pilard

A photo of a woman holding a sign that says we support buy local black friday #buylocalblackfriday

Get behind BUY LOCAL BLACK FRIDAY to support retailers

#BuyLocalBlackFriday is a campaign to encourage residents in Canterbury, Whitstable, Tankerton and Herne Bay to consider shopping local for Black Friday to help our businesses. The Welcome Back commitee are building on last years’ campaign with a more robust…

The launch of Canterbury’s first Climate Action Awards

The launch of the 2022 Climate Action Awards, the first of its kind within the district, was announced at the Green Business Day, hosted by Canterbury Business Improvement District (BID) in conjunction with The Canterbury Climate Action Partnership (CCAP),…

Annual Report 2021

Message form the Canterbury BID Chair In September 2021, I was appointed Chair of Canterbury BID, taking up the baton from Clive Relf who led the BID Board through two ballots, in 2014 and 2019, growing the BID’s engagement…