Canterbury Bid

All Posts By

Rachel Pilard

A board meeting

Latest Board News from Canterbury BID

We are delighted to confirm that the latest Canterbury BID Operations Report and BID Board Minutes are now live. Read them in full by clicking the images below. Our March meeting notes will be signed off at the next…

A Vision For Canterbury: Towards 2030

Canterbury Society’s Vision towards 2030

We were delighted to attend the launch of Canterbury Society’s new ‘Vision for the Future of Canterbury’. Five years ago they produced its first “Vision for the Future of Canterbury”. Following the success of this Vision, and given that…

A crowded Canterbury high street

High streets and town centres in 2030 report published

Yesterday the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee in UK Parliament published its long awaited ‘High streets and town centres in 2030’ report following it’s inquiry which begun last year. The ATCM (Association of Town Centre Managment) has provided the following…