Canterbury Bid

All Posts By

Rachel Pilard

A poster for the Canterbury Climate Action Festival and Awards' for September 2022 at Augustine Hall, Canterbury

Canterbury’s Climate Action Festival and Awards 2022

Canterbury’s climate action champions will be recognised this month as the first ever Canterbury Climate Action Awards are handed out to organisations and individuals making the city greener and cleaner for all. More than 30 local businesses, community groups,…

Three images; one of a smart phone displaying a Safe Zone app, another of a security camera, and another of the back of a man's head wearing a jacket that says 'street pastor'

Safer Streets Fund success for Canterbury

A £589,042 boost towards making Canterbury city centre’s streets even safer has been welcomed this week. The money is coming from the Home Office’s Safer Streets Fund after a successful bid by Canterbury City Council, Kent Police and the…

A photo of two women looking at a large poster of a buffalo

Wild bison artwork unveiled in Canterbury

An artistic celebration of a project in which wild bison will be released into a Canterbury woodland has been unveiled around the city. Vinyls and a mural have been displayed to represent the eagerly anticipated arrival of wild bison…