Canterbury Bid

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Bid Ambassadors

A man in The Refectory holding a sign that says Yes! Canterbury Connected BID

Dan Grimwood

I support the BID because I believe it will provide us with the means to improve Canterbury as a whole, attracting new visitors and creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere during their stay. As a connected business community we…

A man outside aBode holding a sign that says Yes! Canterbury Connected BID

Declan Kelly

Canterbury already has a strong visitor offering. By local businesses working in partnership the city as a destination can only improve. The BID could generate funds that allows the city to communicate effectively to our target markets and to…

A man outside Ortwin Thyssen holding a sign that says Yes! Canterbury Connected BID

Ortwin Thyssen

As an independent retailer I support the BID because my business is reliant on Canterbury being an attractive, high class shopping location. Owner, Ortwin Thyssen Jewellery…