Canterbury Bid

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The Canterbury Society logo


Following the success of the first biennial Design Awards in 2016, the Canterbury Society is now calling for nominations for our Design Awards 2018. The Canterbury Society Design Awards aim to recognise and celebrate buildings, spaces and places that…

The British isles with bubbles of text over it that reads NO MORE NOT SPOTS

Launch of “No More Not Spots” Campaign

It’s hard to miss Canterbury’s ‘Not Spots’ as you cross the city with a mobile phone. Access to mobile services is a basic requirement of business today: it’s essential to consumers and for linking people and communities. Despite welcome…

A man standing in the middle of outdoor construction

News from the Slatters Development

Update from the Canterbury Archaeological Trust  – 30th May 2018 Colman Contractors are progressing very well with the repair of the 2 listed buildings, with new steelwork being installed alongside replacement timer joists to help with the structural integrity of…