Canterbury Bid

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A photo of Canterbury high street during the Queen's baton relay

A Giant Greeting from Canterbury

Canterbury’s giants – Thomas Becket, Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine gave the Queen’s Baton Relay team a very warm welcome on Thursday, July 7th. The baton was carried by a number of baton holders on a route across…

ATCM 2022 Summer School - high streets vs the industrial revolution

Problem-solving at the ATCM Annual Conference

Lisa Carlson, BID CEO and Chair of the Association of Town and City Management Board, joined over 180 placemakers from around the UK and Ireland at a two-day event in Cardiff designed to share ideas and solve challenges we…

a banner that says calling on government to back retail, hospitality and leisure - grant us the right to survive

‘Business Booster’ of Support Measures Needed

Whilst the Chancellor’s announcement of business support is helpful, it isn’t the bailout businesses across the UK need and have been waiting for since Plan B was announced over two weeks ago. A £1bn package of support sounds impressive,…