Canterbury Bid

Browsing Category


Professional Jeweller Cityscapes

Professional Jeweller: Cityscapes

Canterbury is the home of unique hand crafted jewellery in the south east and our heritage in this ancient craft in the city was celebrated in 2013 when we held the first ever Canterbury Jewellers’ Festival. Featuring local designer/makers,…

Some white cut out hanging speech and thought bubbles

Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) Consultation

The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 came into effect in 2014. One of the powers within this Act is Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs).These prevent individuals or groups committing anti-social behaviour in a public space. PSPOs can…

Double yellow parking lines

Changes to parking restrictions, Summer 2016

A few changes to on-street parking restrictions are being proposed in the Canterbury district and public consultation is now under way. Plans of the proposals and deposit documents can be viewed on the Council’s website. Details are also contained…