Canterbury Bid

Browsing Category


A woman walking and holding shopping bags

Devolving Sunday trading rules: Government Consultation

Stores with a relevant floor area of over 280 square metres / 3000 square feet (large stores) have restricted opening hours on a Sunday, but smaller stores can open all day. The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS)…

Travel Plans for Businesses

Travel Plans Grant Scheme

Kent County Councils Transport Innovations Team are offering businesses an exciting opportunity to apply for a capital grant of up to £5,000 to implement measures on your site which will help your staff travel sustainably to and from work.…

Connection Vouchers - government grants to boost your broadband - Business Is Great Britain

Broadband connection vouchers

Your business could get a grant of up to £3,000 to upgrade your business to faster, better broadband through the Broadband Connection Voucher Scheme. The scheme covers the cost of upgrading your broadband connection. Then you pay the VAT…