Canterbury Bid

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12 April onwards: Food and Beverages allowed to be served outside

From 12 April hospitality business will be able to serve food and beverages outside. If this requires tables and chairs being placed on public pavements outside, you will need a licence from the council. Please click HERE to apply for one. Applications cost £100 to cover the council's costs and the council has a maximum of 14 days in which to decide an application, otherwise it is automatically granted. Find out more here

12 April Onwards: Non essential Retail, Salons, Personal Care and Public Building allowed to open

12 April will see the opening of non-essential retail; personal care premises such as hairdressers and nail salons; and public buildings, including libraries and community centres. Indoor leisure facilities such as gyms will also reopen (but only for use by people on their own or in household groups); as will most outdoor attractions and settings including outdoor hospitality venues, zoos, theme parks, and drive-in cinemas. Read more here

BID Training: “How to make friends and influence people on LinkedIn”

How to make friends and influence people on LinkedIn Wednesday 12 May | 9.30 – 10.30am | Via Zoom LinkedIn and the way people use it, has changed dramatically over the past 12 months. Steve Howard (Co-Founder of local B2B marketing agency, Finally) is a top 1% LinkedIn user and publisher of the weekly LinkedIn Manufacturing top 10 chart. He will show you how to change what you do, in order to stand out, build relationships and ultimately generate new business opportunities on LinkedIn. What you must do before you worry about LinkedIn How to make your profile your best pitch Understand the ways in which LinkedIn is judging you Create content that builds trust and develops relationships How to get yourself into a routine To book email Emily Wells