Canterbury Bid

Tree & Woodland Strategy Consultation: Public Meeting

The Guildhall St Peter's Place, Canterbury

Canterbury City Council will be holding one public meeting for each of its two consultation strategies (no registration required, just turn up) Tree and Woodland Strategy

Open Space Strategy: Consultation Public Meeting

The Guildhall St Peter's Place, Canterbury

Canterbury City Council will be holding one public meeting for each of its two consultation strategies (no registration required, just turn up) Open Space Strategy

Canterbury’s Shop Front Guidelines Explained

Online via Zoom

The appearance of shopping areas and individual shopfronts is often an indication of the vitality and quality of a place. Well designed and historically interesting shopfronts can make a street a more attractive place to visit.   Join Lizzy Johnson, Heritage and Design Manager for Canterbury City Council to discuss how the sustained and successful stewardship of buildings, streets and spaces is intertwined with the health of the retail economy.