Canterbury Bid

Kent Green Hop Beer Fortnight 2021

Kent Green Hop Beer Fortnight is your chance to taste newly released beers made from just-harvested hops produced by over 30 of Kent’s finest brewers. Take a look here at which breweries are producing Kent Green Hop Beers and discover the events that are going on during Kent Green Hop Fortnight. Supplies of these celebration beers from all over the county only last a couple of weeks. Enjoy them during Kent Green Hop Beer Fortnight. We will add to this list as news of new Kent beers comes through. Learn more here

Night Time Economy City Centre Student Safety Hub

Safety Pop Up Hubs A pop up safety hub will be set up outside Macdonald's on busy nights of Freshers Week, this year it will be on Friday 24th September from 6pm-10pm. You can pick up free leaflets, download apps, pocket free giveaways and hear advice on personal safety. You can also hear about all the fantastic work the community and enforcement groups around the city do to keep students and residents safe on a night out, plus meet the teams responsible for keeping you and your friends safe. It is manned by the City Council with ambassadors from University and local teams. Come and say hello!  

Free Park & Ride Today

Free Park & Ride Today Simply park your car at any of the P&R sites for FREE, and travel into the city with no queuing for car parks or hunting for spaces and paying per hour, a relaxed way to visit the city without the stress. Park at any of these sites for FREE: Wincheap New Dover Road Sturry Road On the last Sunday of the month which fall on the following dates: Sunday 26 September Find out more here

Black History Month: Black Lives Matter Exhibition

Following the death of George Floyd on May 25th 2020 students at the University of Kent campus joined together as a strong collective voice to support the US Black Lives Matter anti-racist protests in demand for social justice and police accountability. On 6th and 12th June 2020, students led peaceful protests through Canterbury city centre in light of systematic racism, police brutality and in solidarity with protests around the globe. This photographic exhibition is a glaring visual reminder that ‘Enough Is Enough’