Canterbury Bid

Supporting Porchlight and Catching Lives


Small things can make a difference this winter

It is the shared mission of Porchlight and Catching Lives to ensure that the homeless are not excluded from society and to help put an end to the harm that homelessness causes.

Canterbury Connected BID have launched a campaign on MyCanterbury to make it easier to support the work of these two charities. Nearly £400 has been raised as of 13 January 2016.

Below are a few ways in which your donations might help.

£1.25 Could provide breakfast, lunch or a hot shower

£5.00 Could pay for Breakfast and Lunch

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£10.00 Could provide a rough sleeper with a sleeping bag

£20.00 Provides a place at the Community Shelter



£25.00 Could pay for a Welcome Pack

£55.50 Could fund a 3 hour outreach session for a client


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